10 Amazon Driver Confessions

Want to know what your Amazon driver loves / hates / wishes?

I have been delivering Amazon packages since September. It has been an interesting experience and I have had some amazing encounters and some scary ones. Here is what I have learned.

  1. When you put snacks / drinks out for us, it absolutely makes our day. When we don’t deliver to your house and we see snacks at your front door and we deliver next door, we wish we were delivering to your house instead. Thank you if you do this! Did I mention this really makes our day?

  2. When Amazon asks how we did and you give us a thumbs up, it actually matters. We, and the companies we work for, are rated (in part) by the rating you give. If it looks like the driver delivered the package with care, give them a thumbs up. We will be grateful!

  3. Be careful with thumbs down. We are penalized for this. I have received a thumbs down for a wrinkled package, which I didn’t cause; for a package i delivered as instructed and someone stole; and for a package that was attempted multiple times on previous days and I took the extra effort to figure out the problem but was given the thumbs down due to the delay. If the driver didn’t follow directions or threw your package to the ground, give a thumbs down.

  4. Dogs - you would not believe how many drivers are bitten each year. I have been chased and knocked down by unleashed and unfenced dogs and it isn’t fun. I have seen drivers bloody back at station. Regardless of how friendly you think your dog is, if you know a package is coming that day, please care for the safety of the driver and keep your dogs inside, in a fence or on a leash outside.

  5. Access - If you have a long driveway and no space near your house for a large vehicle to turn around, consider placing a large tote near the entrance of your driveway. It hides the packages and protects the driver from having to back up or down your driveway and risk getting stuck.

  6. We love meeting you and hearing about your family. I met a mom and daughter who were watching me from 10 stops away on the app. As I came down the street with several stops before their house I could see them watching the phone. The excitement was felt! When I got there I found out it was a dress for a special occasion and she took off in the house to try it on. We hear about kids and grandkids and knowing you makes delivering to you all the more special.

  7. Your up to date delivery instructions actually help us. If you want us to follow a specific instruction, let us know. If it is a dated instruction, delete it. We love doing what you request so don’t hesitate to let us know how to make your delivery special.

  8. Rain / snow makes deliveries difficult. Sometimes we have a hard time accessing your house due to snow or wet sand / dirt roads. Sometimes there is no place to put your package without the box / envelope getting wet. While there is nothing you can do to change the road, if you don’t have a spot to keep your package dry, consider leaving a tote out on a rainy day for us to place your package. We really want you to get your package on time and in great condition, even though we may be soaked making the delivery.

  9. House Number - Having your house number on your mailbox and / or on your home in visible reflective ways helps us make sure you get the package you ordered. When houses are close together the app we use sometimes gets confusing as to where the package goes. We have have been trained to confirm the address but if neither you nor your neighbors have your house number on a mailbox or your house, it makes ensuring your delivery difficult.

  10. While getting in and out of a vehicle as many as 200 times in a day can be tiring, most of us love getting you your packages. We love your smiles, words of kindness and appreciation and well wishes. We love delivering smiles to you. Thanks for trusting us with your packages.