A Time to Heal

This election has left people scared, scarred and emotionally exhausted. There are people waking up today feeling as though they just lost their country. People who used to be friends now find themselves blocked from each other on social media. This election has been rough on us all.

In Ecclesiastes chapter 3 we read about the different times and seasons in life. You probably know the passage from the 1965 song “Turn, Turn, Turn” by The Byrds. Since we have come through a season of wounding and offense toward others, could this be the time to heal? I certainly hope so. What then do we do?

I am glad you asked! I ask that you consider the following activities and act on each one if possible.

  • Write a note of encouragement to a co-worker, neighbor and family member.
  • Go on a play date with your kids and a date with your spouse without the kids.
  • Apologize to those you treated harshly.
  • Engage in an act of service at a non-profit or church.
  • Bless someone that you are convinced doesn’t deserve it.
  • Sing a favorite song and share the lyrics with others.

Maybe if we spend as much emotional energy trying to be a healer as we spent driving wedges between those of a different political stripe, the world would be a better place. I am not asking you to compromise your beliefs or be silent when it is time to speak. Today I am simply asking you to be a healer.

Yesterday we voted for a political leader. Today we can cast our vote for humanity in how we love, forgive and invest in those around us. God believes in you and has even given you his Holy Spirit so you can do what you think is impossible. Now, go cast your vote for humanity.
