The last post about church vibrancy dealt with a consideration of the roadblocks that can get in the way of a church experiencing vibrancy. We now need to begin to take a careful look at those standing to our right and left inside the walls of the congregation to take an inventory of our gifts, strengths and talents. God believes in your congregation and has placed within you all that is needed to make a difference in your community.
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In 1773 Colonists boarded a ship of the East India Company (British owned) and dumped all the tea on that ship overboard as a protest over taxation without representation. That act let Great Britain know they had a problem brewing in Colonial America and was a significant event that led to the Revolutionary War.
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Rarely a day goes by when I don't see a pastor post why it is spiritually better to vote for Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump. Recently I saw a new post on why Mr. Johnson would be the better choice for Christians. I usually am heartbroken at what I read.
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Few things are more frustrating to your vacation plans than traveling on an interstate when traffic is at a stand still. We envision ourselves traveling over 70mph but the speedometer reads “0.” It usually isn’t until someone ahead either moves or someone works to remove the roadblock that the traffic will begin to flow again.
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I live 90 miles from Charlotte, North Carolina. A lot of people are talking about the events transpiring there. It is honestly heartbreaking on so many levels.
The Bible says that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:9) Isn’t it just like the Bible to mess with how we tend to naturally live our lives!
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There seems to be a lot of fear about the election in November. I have seen blogs from pastors about why we should vote for one candidate or the other and have done a great job of spiritualizing their arguments. I believe we should care about the election but we should be careful not to over-spiritualize the matter.
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