A Beautiful Church

A Beautiful Church

The Church began as an oppressed and persecuted people. However, they also were a dynamic, incarnational, Spirit-filled and multiplying disciple-making community. 500 years later they became an institution and things changed dramatically.

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A New Way to See

A New Way to See

In the movie, “National Treasure,” Ben Gates finds the glasses that Benjamin Franklin created to see clues to the Templar Treasure on the back of the Declaration of Independence. The map was always present but no one could see it without changing ones lens.

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Why I Left

Why I Left

Why did I leave the Church of the Nazarene? I had a lot of folks ask so here we go.

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I Cannot See

I Cannot See

For 11 months I begged God to help me see what I needed to see so that I could discover what He was calling me to do. He was silent. READ MORE



How church is typically done in America nearly wrecked me…then God gave me a vision for His Kingdom…then He transformed me. Read More…