
I am in introvert but I am growing increasingly convinced that the disconnect between our message and our enthusiasm for that message is harming the message itself.

“I believe in the message of Jesus…

Timidity - but not enough to tell you about it.

Conspiracy - but I am more impassioned by political or national conspiracy theories.

Boredom - but I get more excited over vacation than I do worship.

Methodology - but only when the methods match my preference.

Personality - but I am not wired to be excited about worship, only other things.”

I look on YouTube and people are passionate about Whiskey, Pokemon, Gaming and a host of other things. When people are drawn by the Holy Spirit to a local congregation, in person or online, they see the telling of a story with less passion than the passion tied to a baseball card in the YouTube community they follow online.

Remember the guy writing this is an introvert. I am discovering that my passion for Jesus has been less than convincing and at times, less than believable. Am I more excited by saltwater fishing or Jesus? Am I more excited by Christmas morning or the One whose birth we celebrate that morning? 

I am not advocating for emotionalism. I am advocating for a renewed passion for the One whose sacrifice is sometimes referred to as The Passion. I am advocating for a discipleship that is unreserved in its belief and approach to following Jesus. I am advocating for a believable message that is reflected in the telling of the story of how He changed my life.

I was dead, now I am alive.

I was lost, now I am found.

I was hopeless, now I have peace.

Surely these and other truths are significant enough to awaken something in me that is greater than any other relationship, experience or truth in life. I pray that my testimony reflects that belief and is, well…
