Pastors, Power & Platforms


Pastors, Power & Platforms

It was over 15 years ago but it is a moment that haunts me to this day. I was a graduate student taking courses through my denomination's seminary and I was learning things that others did not have the opportunity to learn. Unfortunately, the knowledge only served to puff my own sense of self. 



The March that Matters


The March that Matters

Over the past week the USA witnessed large numbers of people marching to and in Washington D.C. The powerful and the weak, the wealthy and the poor, the famous and the neglected gathered inside of the 68 square miles of our capitol. There were those who gathered to cheer. There were those who gathered to jeer. I would struggle to believe that anyone gathered as a neutral observer. Many marched with the hope of being heard.



Mama always said


Mama always said

When I look back on my childhood, I can remember some of the things that my mom said that made me very happy. “Do you want some ice cream?” “Would you like to have some friends over?”  and “What would you like me to make you for dinner?” There were other questions and comments that made me shudder. “Just wait until your father gets home!” “If your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump too?” and “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt!” I still remember the things my mama always said.



Falling in love with a bargain


Falling in love with a bargain

We have just come out of, and in some cases, survived the celebrations of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. I actually love these seasons and I even love the deep breath that we get to take in January as we hit the reset button on the allocation of our time. One of my favorite things around Thanksgiving is finding a bargain gift for my wife, Miriam.



Emotions around the manger


Emotions around the manger

It is fitting that emotion is so deep in the nativity story. Mary’s life was at stake. Joseph’s honor was at stake. The Magi’s reputation was at stake. Would Simeon and Anna actually see the Lord before they died or was their vision nothing more than an undigested bit of beef akin to what Ebenezer Scrooge surmised?

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A Time to Heal


A Time to Heal

This election has left people scared, scarred and emotionally exhausted. There are people waking up today feeling as though they just lost their country. People who used to be friends now find themselves blocked from each other on social media. This election has been rough on us all.

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