The CO2 of Holiness Part 1

The CO2 of Holiness Part 1

How do you get a square carbon dioxide filter (C02) made for the command module into a round hole in the landing module of Apollo 13? The solution became known as one of the greatest space hacks of human history. What if our Wesleyan Holiness theology is giving off an equally dangerous byproduct in our local churches and most struggle to identify it. Those that can identify it rarely know what to do.

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My Immigration Hypocrisy

My Immigration Hypocrisy

My goal in this post is to transparently wrestle with where the issue of immigration intersects with the life and teaching of Jesus. When I wrestle with the issue, I find a great deal of hypocrisy (in me and in the Church) and I don’t know how to resolve the conflict.

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Missing Brian

Missing Brian

This past weekend South Carolina lost a husband, father, friend and pastor. While changing a flat tire with a friend, a drunk driver killed both Brian and his friend, Andrew. Now I sit here considering the service tomorrow and looking into the eyes of his precious wife and four children.

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The Wrong Game

The Wrong Game

In 2000, Blockbuster was offered to buy Netflix for $50 million. Thinking Netflix had no future, they turned down the offer. In 2018, Netflix revenues were $15.8 billion. Blockbuster no longer exists.

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If you are part of a local faith community that worships Jesus Christ then you are likely anticipating a great day of worship on Sunday. Here are a few simple ideas to make the day more meaningful.

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