In high school science class I learned that there are times when a winding river can chart a new, streamlined course as the stress placed on a river bank in a bend cuts the bend off altogether. What if the stress in our life is meant, not to defeat us but to help us chart a new path?
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Have you ever had a season in your life when you feel like your very soul is drowning in grief, despair or stress? It could be chaos at work or at home, your finances could be falling apart or you have received devastating news about your health. When you feel like you are drowning, the cause is rarely relevant and the solutions are often few. What do we do?
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Pastor, what if our words are telling half the population of the U.S. that they are not welcome in our church? Would you stop using those words or would you simply not care?
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Could it be the popular church culture phrase, “You are welcome here!” is doing us more harm than good?
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Many congregations have toxic individuals who, for whatever “holy crusade” reason, consider it their mission to undermine the mission of the local church. How do we respond to those persons in a way that honors Christ’s call to selfless love while advocating for the body of Christ and the mission of the local church?
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Some local congregations have at least one person who is giving off CO2 that, if left “untreated” can become cancerous to the mission of that local church. Before we get to part 3 of this series, what conflict do we find in the New Testament Church that can help shape our understanding?
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