Disciple Making

Disciple Making

Covid-19 has presented enormous challenges to the local church that are requiring significant and systemic changes to how we make disciples. However, this does not have to be a bad thing. Read More

An Essential Gospel

An Essential Gospel

Could it be that the reason we feel compelled to respond to every news story is due to our confusion on what is essential?

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Remember to Laugh

Remember to Laugh

I must have had a shocked and bewildered look on my face because as I walked by his truck he started busted up laughing - so much so that it stopped me dead in my tracks.

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Never has a week gone on as long as this one. People across the nation are making radical changes to their lives as we adjust to what we hope are temporary new realities. How do we live in light of these new realities?

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What if we are getting it wrong? People don’t need rage, they need relationship. People don’t need condemnation, they need care. If you follow Jesus, let’s take a step back from halftime and see what we can learn.

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Can you believe what some people do to children? Can you believe the evil in the heart of humanity? It is somehow easier to consider when it is the other person. However, we are all in need of mercy.

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