A New Hat

A New Hat

Pastors never knew when 2020 hit that they would be entrusted to wear hats as a leader that they never wore before. Regardless, this year has forced pastors to embrace roles that make for new challenges and opportunities.

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Leaking Faucets and Busted Mains

Leaking Faucets and Busted Mains

If you have a leaking faucet and a busted water main, which would concern you more? What if our tendency is to fixate on leaking faucets and ignore the busted main…would you want to know?

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The Wrong Place and Time

The Wrong Place and Time

Walking a beach at high tide hoping for the best shells is rarely productive. You are looking at the wrong place and time. What if this is a metaphor for life?

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Four Months

Four Months

There are four months until the end of 2020. I imagine most read that with joy and excitement saying, “It is almost over!”

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Sound of Hope

Sound of Hope

I had always heard sirens as a call to get out of the way until my mom fell and needed transported to the ER. Then the siren became a sound of hope.

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I am in introvert but I am growing increasingly convinced that the disconnect between our message and our enthusiasm for that message is harming the message itself.

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