Have you ever taken a glance into your future and were left scratching your head in confusion. You are not alone!
Have you ever taken a glance into your future and were left scratching your head in confusion. You are not alone!
Could it be that people around us are looking for joy, hope and peace? It has been my experience that they are.
Have you ever traded in a childhood dream for a Kingdom dream? I did it today and while I have no idea how the story will turn out, I trust Jesus.
I have been outside the church workforce for almost two months and I had no idea what people go through in their daily work life. I honestly tried to understand but I had no clue.
I heard the 5 year old girl cry out, “I want to go to the beach!” over and over again. Funny thing was that she was crying on the boardwalk to the beach.
Have you noticed how difficult it is to go on social media or watch television without seeing some kind of rage? It seems like we are becoming addicted to rage.