I read in the news this morning that a Clemson University professor believes every Republican is racist. A former president once said, “When you see all that rhetorical smoke billowing up from the Democrats…don’t inhale.” From political fighting to the threat of war, it is enough to make me want to build a bunker and shut the door. However, I think there is something better I can do with my time.
I was finishing “Beautiful Outlaw” and read, “what do you want to do with Jesus?” The quick answer is “I just want to hang out with Jesus and do what He is doing!”
I was in a Starbucks recently waiting for a friend to arrive. My ears heard a husband and wife talking about the schedule of the day. I saw a couple of students browsing social media on their cell phones. What really caught my attention was two pastors talking about how annoying old people are. The story went something like this…
My wife and I host three engaged couples in our home for friendship and discipleship. All three are getting married in the next 8 months. Our home buzzes with their excitement as they prepare for a life in Christ together. They are soon to exchange rings. They will be shiny, perfectly round and contain no blemishes or marks. My ring doesn’t look like it did on my wedding day. My wedding ring is worn.
"You make sure they remember forever the day they played the Titans!" This is a quote from "Remember the Titans," a movie based on events that took place in Alexandria, Virginia as Coach Boone integrated a high school football team. These young men were forced to find motivation to play for people they had been told to hate. From football to exercise to relationships, motivation can sometimes be difficult to find.
Yesterday Miriam and I were in Sams Club buying some picnic food for our Life Group that is gathering at my home on Sunday. For some reason I was leading the way and when I lead the way in a grocery store it usually results in our aimless wandering all over the place to find what we need. When Miriam was questioning my direction I heard a retired age woman say to her husband, “Could you have put the cart in a better place than the middle of the isle?” as we worked our way around them. I smiled knowing that both of us were having a “marital moment.”